lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010


english period 2

When I was doing this project I thought, this is really a great idea for a project. Why? Because no one cares about the nature and that is very horrible, we should all care about it. Another thing, no one hires handicapped people, and that is horrible too. We should give them the same rights we have, they deserve them. They are as special as we are, we aren’t different and better than them. WE ARE THE SAME. So I really really think the project was very nice. It was a great thing to ask and film and do stuff about it. It was kind of hard to do it because I’m so shy. So asking people questions was very uncomfortable to me, but after a while it got easier to do it. It was very hard I may say to find people that speak English. We even had to speak in Spanish first so they could understand us. But in fact the project was like so easy. The hardest part of it was to make the questions for the interview because we had no idea what to ask about handicapped people. But in the end we manage to create really good questions. From time to time I got kind of angry because it was very hard to organize. No one knew what to do. But I really think it was a test to see if we could work in team with people we didn’t really get along with. Miss Nora you should really let us pick our teams! Anyway, the thing I liked the most about the project was to film the spots because it was really fun to do it and to create the speeches we were going to say. It took a lot of time to make them because we were playing and laughing and everything. But in the end we could film the spots and create a good job. It was hard to edit the video, because the one in charge of it isn’t a very creative person. So he didn’t know what to do. We all had to help him a lot but it didn’t bother us. I like the fact that we are taught how to look after nature because it’s a really pretty thing to do. These projects are very fun and everything and we should be able to do them more often instead of the boring projects were you have to speak in front of like everyone and no one pays attention to what you’re saying. And everyone is bored and you’re not able to use technology. That is another thing I love about this English class. That we can work a lot with technology because now it’s really important to know how to use it. We should work with it as much as we can.