lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


Every day before going to school as either a light orange juice, cereal or fruit but most of the time before it is recess time and I ate my sandwich but  I try not to eat fatty things all the week just that once the weekend arrives there if like tacos burgers pizza but if I try to eat as much as possible for good health and working out especially since it is something I like and I entertain a lot in the evenings and that makes I do not feel bad about eating a lot.
In the afternoon not as much but I always try to eat vegetables and salads and soups together to eat that day and if I get more hungry after a while I eat an apple or take a yougurth me and a smoothie for dinner because if as heavy me sleep or give me nightmares.


miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011




My true education and base started in my home, my parents taught me the basic manners like saying thank you and please, they taught me table manners and respect to my elders, I learned my first words and go the bathroom and be affectionate with others.

My formal education started in kindergarten, I studied on Liceo Ibero Mexicano for many years, in kindergarten they taught me basic things like colors, vowels, learn the principles of reading, and numbers.

The elementary also was cursed at the Liceo Ibero Mexicano, I had many friends there, I remember my teachers especially Miss Gladys, because that was the teacher that taught me more things, in primary I learned to add and subtract, could read and write very well, and also multiplications and divisions, I learned fractions, one of the friends I knew there is Dani Gómez, she is a really good friend.

The junior high was also cursed at the Liceo Ibero Mexicano, I also had many friends from other schools that today I continue to see in La Salle, I learned algebra, and tests and tasks were getting more difficult, but I also learned what is really study for myself and helped me because it was a preparation for high school.

In high school I transferred to La Salle, at first I was not suited, because it was very difficult but I feel like I was throwing coupling slowly, and right now I'm in the third grade and I’m very enthusiastic because I’m about to go to College , and I want to raise my average to get a scholarship.

I think my parents teaching along with the school was good because they made me grow with good principles and values, I think I’m on the right track, and I thank my parents and my teachers because thank to these principles and my studies I will be someone successful and a better person in life.

Pay it forward

Electronic magazine

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Love story[1] comic

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miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011


Philanthropy is the action of giving something to someone that needs it without receiving something you can things like money, clothing, toys, stuffed animals, food etc. Nowadays is very common to see big corporations doing this actions like Televisa and TvAzteca, and it is also very common to see famous people doing this kind of altruism.
I think this is a very nice and good action, because you can make someone happy just by giving him or her a toy, or some food, or money or even if you just go to an orphanage just to play with the kids, its really nice to do this, because it makes you feel good and in peace with yourself and it makes you that there is a lot of people that doesn’t have anything while your parents give you a lot of things, it really make you analyze, and makes you thank god for all the things that you have.
One clear example is when we go to do our social service to the “Casa hogar Marsh” because there you get to coexist with all the children, you help them doing their home works, you can talk to them, play with them, tell them some jokes, and they are really thankful just because you played with them, ant that is really nice to me.
I think that the negative thing about this is that there are a lot of people or enterprises that make this action just so that the society will see that they are doing something for them, this cases are mostly noticed on the famous people, because they only do it to be on the spotlight.
One example can be when you see in the TV that an artist do some altruism action, and that he or she only did it because she or he was starting to lose fame so they do that so that everybody start talking about what they did.
So we can say that philanthropy is something that we need to start to do more commonly and try to inculcate that to the younger generations.